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Sunday, 22 February 2015


Just a quick post to show the current conditions in the Angus glens. On Sunday Ana, Sharon, Paul and I drove to the Clova car park to practice some winter skills.
 Not much winter left in the glen and whilst Corrie Farchal looked quite white, there was little left in Winter corrie. 
 Equally, Corrie Fee was black and even A and D gully were largely stripped. So we practiced on a snow slope near E gully to reach the normal path...
 ... to the White Mounth plateau. 
 From there southwards...
 ... to the top of Mayar which was Sharon's and Paul's first Munro.
 More winter skills on the way down (hard neve yesterday) ...
 ... and some sunshine with a view towards Driesh.
It is all changing again with sub 5 degrees temperatures and rain in Dundee meaning that snow will accumulate higher up. Freeze thaw cycles are predicted for the week so thing will look better for winter climbing and ski touring next weekend!


Vinayak said...

This is very beautiful place.

dissertation help said...

wonderful place and beautiful pictures. I would like to go there

Wall planter said...

Ski touring is wonderful.